(L.monocytogenes global tracking web tool)
Auto upload |
Demo files |
Technical details |
Upload |

After the user uploads, the computer will run the following instruction:

  1. php run_perl.php FileName
  2. perl ./3.wgMLST-Profiler.pl -i FileName -d ./2.PGAdb_Lm_cgMLST_2 -s ./2.PGAdb_Lm_cgMLST_2/scheme/core.scheme -o ../file/FileName/output -p 12
  3. makeblastdb -in File_Path/AssemblyDB.fa -dbtype nucl -out File_Path/AssemblyDB
  4. blastn -num_threads 12 -query File_Path/panDB_all.fa -db File_Path/AssemblyDB -out File_Path/profiling.bls -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore'
  5. python3 ./rank50germ.py FileName

crontab instruction:

  1. */3 * * * * php schedule.php
  2. * * */1 * * php auto_dele.php

LmTraceMap will auto-purge all users’ uploaded files.
Here is the auto-purge code session: